Felton Fire Protection District
Release of Information
Several volunteers with the Felton Fire Protection District were recently thanked for their service and released for various reasons, including but not limited for failure to meet minimum volunteer firefighter standards and responsiveness to calls for service.
The Fire District clearly states the minimum requirements for volunteer firefighters in its Standard Operating Procedures, available on the Fire District’s website at https://feltonfire.com/standard-operating-procedures. Whenever possible, it works with volunteers to resolve issues, including circumstances where minimum standards are not met, or rules of conduct are broken.
It is the intent of the Fire District to replace these volunteers as soon as possible with qualified individuals who meet the minimum requirements for volunteer firefighters. To those interested in becoming a volunteer, we invite you to view the requirements for volunteer firefighters and visit https://feltonfire.com/joinus/
We respectfully ask the public to refrain from judgment and comment without knowing all the individual factors at hand in these matters. The public is welcome to attend Fire District Board meetings, which occur on the first Monday of the month.
The safety and security of those within the Fire District are our foremost concern and no decisions were made that would jeopardize the Fire District’s ability to serve its community. With these most recent changes, there is no anticipated change or loss of service expected for the greater Felton community. In the interim, until new replacements can be trained, the Fire District has taken steps to increase its responders under a shared services agreement with the Ben Lomond Fire District, ensuring that there is no change in service response should additional firefighters be needed.
We ask that if you need further information or have questions regarding the Felton Fire District that you contact
Fire Chief, Stacie Brownlee or Assistant Chief, Isaac Blum at 831-335-4422